😎Be calm with his friends
Don’t make things awkward if you get the chance to meet his buddies. A brief name introduction would sufficient, and you may go about your business. Do not attempt to corner him by asking questions like, “yes, Brian, what are we?” You should know who you are by then. You’ll also avoid yourself the embarrassment of his attempting to deny any relationship.
🥂Always use safeguards
If you’re going to have sex with strange individuals, make it safe. According to a recent survey, around 300,000 Kenyan teenagers are infected with HIV. The very least you can do as a man is carry a condom. But safety is primarily a man’s concern.
🔊Make contact with them
The most crucial aspect of every relationship is to speak properly with one another. Before you hook up, talk to them to make sure you are on the same page, and if you’re not, let them know. Most crucial, if you have feelings for your spouse, you should talk about it. Make it very clear what you want.
🤵Treat them as though they are a friend
If you were not friends before, hooking up will almost certainly lead to friendship. Spend time with them and treat them like you would any other visitor. Give them food or a drink, learn about them, and, most importantly, make them feel at ease.
Have some fun with it
The point of hooking up is to have fun. Thus, don’t act the same way you would in a relationship. You may act out a persona, experiment in bed, and simply unwind. This will make the event more worthwhile for both of you. But not too ordinary. If you act as if nothing happened, he will believe you’re a whore. Just smile, be as sweet and adorable as a butterfly, and he will want to pursue you down for more loving.